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Parish Team

Pastoral Team: Deacon Paul, Sister Frances, Barbara Carroll, Katie Carter, Neville de Moraes, Leo Gribbon, Susie Newbold, Jane O'Dwyer, Sally Stewart


Father Hugh

Fr Hugh Flower was ordained on 11th May 1985 in Arundel Cathedral, and joined our parish in 2018. His previous parish was St Cuthbert's Egham. Before becoming a priest, he had a job as a horticulturist for 11 years, this is the science of plants and how they are used. The other hobbies that he has are music, people and food. He loves to listen to piano and opera music, and also is interested in ballet.

Fr Hugh said that God had called him to become a priest, and this was the right decision for him. According to him, the best part of being a priest is to connect with the people - "a wonderful, great privilege". He felt he connected to the parish quickly, as he has "blended in" and the people are "a welcoming community".

Deacon Paul

Deacon Paul was ordained in 2001 as a deacon, and his job is to assist the bishop of the diocese in whichever way he asks. In our parish, Deacon Paul supports Fr Hugh in liturgy, preaching and pastoral care; he can conduct baptisms, weddings and funerals when there is no Mass.

He and his wife, Marie-Anne, came from Birmingham in 2016 to be nearer their four children and grandchildren - "we love it here!"

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